Sunday, March 13, 2016

Almost a Graduate!

I've been finding it a little more difficult to post every week.  There doesn't seem to be as much stuff that's new and exciting.  I've been going to a monthly group classroom session.  It has been disappointing.  There really hasn't been new material, and I haven't got a lot of benefit from it.  Apparently, others must feel the same - attendance has trickled down to only a few people.

I was just reading through some of my posts and it's hard to believe that only a year ago I was itching to get started with this program.  Now, I'm ready to celebrate my 1 year anniversary of starting.  It's also kind of weird figuring out what should I celebrate - when I asked for a referral to the program, December 2013?  My first group session, May 7, 2015?  My last weekly session, August 28, 2015?  Well, for now, it's very close to May 7th and I feel like celebrating.  Probably I'll celebrate again in August.

I've generally grown to be pretty comfortable in my new 'skin', but it's not 100% locked in yet.  A couple of weeks ago we were at the YMCA and I was doing some weight lifting and I happened to see this 'skinny' guy in the floor-to-ceiling mirrors - then I realized it was ME!

I'm looking forward to the warmer weather, so we can do a wider range of physical activity.  I've been very faithful with the daily 30 minute aerobic exercise, but many a time it felt more like a chore than something fun.  I've continued to be sensitive to the cold around the house and office, but I've been pleased that when I dress warmly I've been able to enjoy cold weather activity - you know, the whole two times we've had enough snow to snowshoe this Winter :-)

Still drinking 2.0 to 2.6 L of water every day.  Some days it's hard to manage, but it seems pretty normal now.  I think it's because of the high intake of water that my flabby skin is tightening up.  I still have some loose skin, but it's improved by at least 50%.  Yaaayyy.

I've been monitoring my weight and daily food intake very closely.  Still weighing and measuring most of the time.  I've gone several periods where my weight has been up 2 or 3 pounds for several weeks, and each time I've been able to catch it and gain better control - and the weight has come back down again.  It's still alarming, but not so bone chilling scary as the first time.

I've got a few goals.  I'm still working on reviewing my classroom notes, so stay tuned - I'll get them posted here eventually, I promise.  I hope to get in 4 of the 46 high peaks this Summer, and I'd like to get out kayaking at least a couple of times this Summer.  Another goal is to join the National Weight Control Registry.  It is a controlled study involving people who have lost at least 30 pounds and kept it off for at least 1 year.  I'll be able to join in a few month's time.  It will be nice to give back, and it will be a little added accountability.

So I found out this week at group that we don't actually graduate from the program until May 2017, but April 15th is my last group session and May 5th I go in for my final weigh-in, interview, and blood work - so I guess I FEEL like a graduate!

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