Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Things I Thought I'd Never See

1. Me cold and 2. me drying clothes on high heat

All these years I've been boiling hot while every one else in the room was freezing cold.  Since I've lost the weight, I've spent a lot more time trying to get/keep warm.  I can't seem to wear enough layers - t-shirt, shirt, sweater.  Finding enough layers to wear for outdoor activities is an adventure in itself.  I feel like a bit of a baby.  I'm told this change is because I've lost so much fat - it used to keep the cold out and the heat in, now not so much.  My hands are cold all the time.  My nose is freezing cold and running - and I'm not just talking about when I'm outdoors.  Almost embarrassing.

It will be interesting to see if this is a temporary condition, or not.  If not, I guess the good news is that Summer should feel more comfortable.  In the meanwhile, come on and bring me sweaters and mittens, Santa!

Something that was always annoying over the years of weight gain was too-tight clothes.  It was crazy how the washer and dryer were always shrinking my clothes.  So much so that I have got in the habit of doing my own laundry - so I can use cold water and then dry on gentle heat - for less shrinkage.  Now it's wonderful to have clothes that fit comfortably!  And I'll even keep doing my own laundry.

Well, recently I've had a couple pairs of jeans that are just a tad loose.  Warm wash and hot dryer setting - perfect fit.

Like I said, never thought I'd see the day!

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