Sunday, June 7, 2015

Week Three - New Ways of Thinking.

Well, 3 1/2 weeks actually on shakes only.  It's always curious how the week will go in terms of weight loss.  This was a good week with another four pounds coming off.  I keep worrying that one of these weeks the weight will stop dropping off, but so far so good.  I'm sure that exercise is helping keep on track.

It is funny all the things that I am rethinking.  Body image.  It is great to see this thinner guy in the mirror, it's nice to be able to do things like bend over to tie up shoes more easily.  OTOH it is taking some rethinking about who I really am.  Exercise.  I am slowly beginning to rethink exercise - for years I have dreaded it, but lately it is becoming more fun, and I'm starting to plan exercise and even think about new sports and activities.  Like we met up with some friends at DQ and I decided to go by bike, NOT by car - and it was fun!  Washrooms.  I'm thinking quite differently about washrooms - when you drink 4 to 5 liters of water (2.0-2.5L water added to the shakes, plus 2.0 to 2.5 extra water n top, you REALLY have to plan your day around toilet availability!  Hope.  For 3 decades I had pretty much lost hope that I could ever get down to a healthy weight.  With the valuable information I've been getting, I've become hopeful that I can get to a healthy weight and keep it off.
And I'm coming to think differently about food.  Somehow, it is pretty nearly impossible to thing objectively about food and eating when it is readily available.  When all you have to think about is 'chocolate or vanilla?', it's easier to think about things like 'why do I eat?'  This week in group we were examining the concept of conditioned eating - basically eating out of habit.  I've known for a while that my worst times for overeating is 9-10 pm.  Another time is social events where there are lots of munchies about.  They say that in a few weeks they will give us ways to cope with this mindless eating.

Stay tuned...

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