Thursday, August 20, 2015

Week Sixteen - Eating is Lots of Work

I missed posting here last week - not because of a lack of excitement - but I've been working like a dog building a porch, and I just haven't had the time to post.

I've been pleasantly surprised that I've continued to loose weight during transition (now starting week three of five transition weeks - probably due to the almost endless physical activity involved in porch building :-)

One of the biggest things I've found is that this eating thing involves lots of planning, strategizing, preparation, and problem-solving.  First we have to map out a week's food plan, then make sure we have the groceries, then pre-prepare food portions - where possible.  I am finding that this additional work is paying off though, because I have a carefully thought out plan I'm not tempted to go off and eat other off-plan stuff.

In group sessions now, we're talking about meal planning for post-transition, food preparation tips, and such things.  All very practical stuff.

Right now I am especially excited to our mountain hiking trip in one week's time.  Lake Placid and Whiteface Mountain here we come.  This little get-together with some close friends will be a wonderful celebration of both my weight loss achievement and my new healthy habits for life.  If I'm able to climb the mountain, I might be a ADK 46er in due time.

A bit more porch building to get done first....

Here is my tool belt from 3 years ago - a little too big today.

Here is what my exercise program looks like these days...

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