Friday, July 24, 2015

Week Twelve - What's New?

Yesterday I had my one-on-one session with the NP and she asked, “What’s changed?”  I’ve had to think about that a little bit.  Obviously, the weight loss – at an average of three pounds every week after the first week, I have lost 39 ½ lbs in ten weeks – sixty pounds since January 2014.  Excellent.  Super excellent!

I feel much better.  From silly little things like being able to bend over and tie up my shoes without it being awkward and difficult, to being able to bound up a couple flights of stairs and not be huffing and puffing.  Oh, and very exciting - I was lying in the bathtub last night after slogging wheelbarrows of soil for over two hours, and I realized that my arms fit comfortably beside my body - a year ago, they couldn't fit.  Today, I had to tighten the strap on my bike helmet - apparently I've lost significant fat from around my neck/chin.  Sue tells me I’m not snoring at all anymore.  I am not coughing as much.  Hemorrhoids that I’ve suffered with for 40 years are gone.   Sue mentioned yesterday that I’m much more positive, and she’s mentioned several times that I’m happier.  Well, I suppose if you carried around a 60 pound bag of concrete on your shoulders for 28 years and finally got to set it down, you’d be pretty happy too!

I explored the ‘positive’ comment with her a little bit more.  Sue’s thinking that I’m generally more positive because I feel better in my skin, I’m more likely to go out and do things that I might have done before, but didn’t really want to/ feel comfortable doing before.  I’m also more physically active, and that combined with my better self-esteem is making both happier and positive.  Who’d ‘a thunk it!

I’ve also got a long ways to go.  Apparently, the 100% Optifast ends on July 30th (even though it's been only 11 weeks, and not the advertised 12 weeks) with the introduction of one tiny meal per day, then solid food comes on line gradually over the next five weeks.  I’m quite nervous.  Looking at my gut, it’s still pretty flubbery – I’m thinking that losing ten more pounds would be about perfect.  My fear (probably unfounded) is that with transition, this extra loss won’t happen.  There is fear of weight re-gain (also probably irrational, but still real to me).  And then there is fear that I won’t be able to manage cravings, and things will go south.  After talking with Joy yesterday, I’m guessing the trick will be to be very strict with sticking to ‘the plan’ AND keeping up lots of exercise during this transition phase. 

And remembering that if I don’t lose even one more pound, I still look and feel really good.  Still, I think it’s going to be a rough couple months.

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